Dear WebMistress/Master,


In this crazy AR world, I have found most WebMistresses/Masters to be nice, friendly, and genuinely concerned about offering credit to the creator of a file, art, etc.  Some even becoming great friends over the years.  But there is the occasional one or two that really just doesn’t care about others or the community in general.  Hence, this message.  


The files offered on this site are the product of a lot of hard work by not only myself but also by others I have credited.  We do these out of a real desire to share with others that may not be able to find AR’s rare items or not know how to create a sound file for their computers.  You are free to download and offer any of these files on your site, but please, give credit where credit is due.  Every file on this site, with the exception of those credited to others, were created by me, Claudia GA. 


Please do not link to the file.  You must download, store, and link to it from your own server.


Feel free to add a link on your Links pages.  But please let me know so I can return the favor. 


Friends in AR,

Claudia GA